Passenger Requirements for Nicaragua Flights – Avianca Forms

Passenger Requirements for Nicaragua Flights – Avianca Forms

Passenger Requirements for Nicaragua Flights Airport Ramp Area Avianca Plane
Photo by Luis Cont from Pexels

A misleading article about passenger requirements for Nicaragua flights from a Nicaraguan website appeared on social media dated August 19th 2021. It reported on what the author said was a new form to be completed by visitors on Avianca flights leaving Nicaragua.

The article was picked up by various individuals who tweeted and re-tweeted what was in fact information from 2020 about procedures that have been in place for almost a year.

Some of those people re-tweeting have since confirmed that they were taken in by the article and the old information. They have since confirmed that there have been no changes to the procedures since the request for information referred to in the article was introduced on September 19th 2020.

If you did see the article or heard about it, please refer to the Avianca link below regarding passenger requirements for Nicaragua flights that have been in place for some time.


Follow the detailed instructions on the Avianca website at; Requirements for travelers to and from Nicaragua.

Travel to Nicaragua

Under the red text title; “If you travel to Nicaragua” you will see that in addition to the submission of Covid-19 test results, there is an Immigration form that needs to be completed online and sent to Avianca no less than 36 hours before your flight.

By hovering over and clicking on the word form you will be taken to a link entitled; “Information to be shared with Nicaraguan authorities for your upcoming flight to Managua”.

Travel from Nicaragua

Under the red text title; “If you are traveling from Nicaragua” you will also see a link to a form you will need to complete for exiting Nicaragua.

This link is entitled “Information for the use of Immigration and Foreigners (Extranjeros) – Nicaragua and is slightly different to the form for entry to Nicaragua.

Avianca passengers flying to and from Nicaragua (Augusto Cesar Sandino International Airport Managua – MGA) are informed that they must complete and submit the form to Avianca no later than 36 hours before their trip. Avianca will send this information to the authorities.

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