Back to School in Nicaragua – School Safety Plan 2022

Back to School in Nicaragua – School Safety Plan 2022

Back to School in Nicaragua Bus Schoolyard
First Day of School. Photo - Jim Diehl

For children enrolled in the public system, it’s back to school in Nicaragua with the start of the new school year tomorrow, Monday 24th January 2022.

Drive Safely. Watch Out for School Children.

Last Friday, the Inspector General of the National Police (Policía Nacional – PN), Comisionado General Jaime Vanegas unveiled the 2022 School Safety Plan.

With traffic not used to sharing the roads with hundreds of school children rushing to and from school, the back to school plan is an important part of the overall safety and security of the children.

2022 School Safety Plan

“The School Safety Plan guarantees police protection to students, parents and teachers for their safe spaces and environments which allows them to carry out their school, starting on Monday, January 24th, 2022 activities in peace, security and tranquility “,

said Vanegas.

The plan aims to prevent traffic incidents and crimes in and around educational centers, at bus stops and other areas by use of surveillance, foot patrols, motorized vehicles and the application of the traffic laws.

Other than traffic related components, the plan includes a national strategy to prevent and deal with crimes in and surrounding schools in order that students can enjoy their studies in peace and without drugs and street crime.

Vanegas said that the plan has the support of several ministries, including; Education, Family, Youth, Women, Health, Public Ministry and the Judiciary.

In addition, the PN has provided specific crime prevention training for security guards attached to education facilities and their surroundings.

Also, some 3,200 drivers and school transport assistants have received education on roads and traffic; about 1,600 mechanical inspections have been carried out on vehicles providing school transport to those going back to school in Nicaragua


Police advise drivers to observe school zones; primary, secondary, vocational, and technological or universities. Where there are no signals, a zone should be marked for pedestrian to cross.

Also, to keep an eye out for the volunteer traffic brigades providing traffic control under the responsibility of the National Police.


Art. 121 of Law 431 (traffic law and its amendments) states that pedestrians have the obligation to abide by the provisions established in this Law, particularly those related to traffic signals. Use pedestrian bridges where they exist and not hinder the passage of vehicles.

Other Annual Driver Safety Plans: Easter Week in Nicaragua – Police Warn Drivers