Valentines Day off for State Employees in Nicaragua

Valentines Day off for State Employees in Nicaragua

Valentines Day Red Roses
Photo by Reshma Chowdhury from Pexels

Managua, Feb 11th 2022- This coming Monday 14th of February 2022 has been declared a paid day off for “State Workers” to celebrate “A Day of Love and Friendship” on Valentines Day, announced the Vice President Rosario Murillo.

The extra day off has been authorized by the Minister of Labor; Alba Luz Torres and will be taken advantage of by up to 113,500 civil servants who will enjoy a long weekend off, finishing work this afternoon, Friday February 11th and returning to work on Tuesday 15th of February.

As usual, essential workers will be working at the various government departments that due to the nature of their work, or services provided, can’t be interrupted, as per the Ministry of Labor – MITRAB.

The Vice President mentioned the long weekend having more than 5,375 activities in all the Municipalities of the Country.  As well, the long weekend encourages families to visit commercial establishments and help the economy. Valentines Day is a big day for promotions in retail establishments, restaurants and hotels.

Radio YA

This Sunday is also the nineteenth edition of the Radio YA sponsored event “Ya Tu Boda – Me Caso con Vos” (Now! Your Wedding 2022 “I marry you”). About 400 couples have signed up to take part in a mass wedding at Puerto Salvador Allende, in Managua, an event that has become a tradition in Managua since it started almost 20 years ago.

Registrations began on January 3rd 2022 with couples bringing in the required documentation for the marriage.

The Civil Marriage Certificate will be completed on Sunday February 13th 2022 in the Japanese Park in Managua starting at 8am. Couples must arrive accompanied by their two witnesses, their ID cards and masks for the Covid Rules.

On Monday, February 14th, the 400 couples, their witnesses, and their guests will gather at 2:00 p.m. in the Plaza de Colores of Puerto Salvador Allende, in Managua, to participate in the Amor y Alegría, the act of swearing-in “Ya Tu Boda 2022 I’m marrying you!”