Entering Costa Rica after April 1st 2022; Visitor & In Transit

Entering Costa Rica after April 1st 2022; Visitor & In Transit

Entering Costa Rica Blue and Yellow Panga Boat at Anchor
Photo by Pau Delgado

As of April 1st 2022, Costa Rica has repealed its temporary migratory measures and reforms. This benefits those entering Costa Rica and previously had to deal with the Health Pass and the purchase Medical Insurance for unvaccinated foreigners.

This move is part of the continued process of reopening borders in the framework of the state of national health emergency due to COVID-19 and the order requires all impediments previously issued under Executive Decrees 42690-MGP-S and 42227-MP-S to be lifted.

However; for those entering Costa Rica, the sanitary measures issued by the Ministry of Health (masks, distancing and handwashing) within the framework of the “State of National Health Emergency due to COVID-19” must be complied with.

Immigration Law

The government of Costa Rica, through its General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners make it clear that:

“The migratory processes for the entry or exit of foreigners to the national territory will once again be governed by the provisions of the General Law of Migration and Immigration (Law number 8764 of August 19, 2009) as well as its regulations and other internal provisions on the matter. The General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners must take the necessary measures and those of its competence for the attention of the migratory processes on the occasion of this repeal”.

Border Crossing to Nicaragua

It is important to note that the requirements for presenting a negative COVID19 test for those who leave Costa Rica for Nicaragua is maintained, since it continues to be requested as a requirement to enter that country.

Foreigners “In Transit”

Prior to April 1st 2022, we published an article; Costa Rica Immigration – Foreign Tourists In Transit to Nicaragua in which we talked about the requirement to have a negative PCR-RT test result on you if you are entering Costa Rica in order to be “In Transit” to Nicaragua.

It should be noted that although that requirement may have been repealed, the General Law of Migration and Immigration (Law number 8764), mentioned above as the authority now back in place, contains a similar provision in reference to documents required upon entry to Costa Rica that will be required when you leave Costa Rica.  

Article 30 of the law says that it shall be the obligation of any person who intends to enter or leave the national territory that they must be able to satisfy the authorities that they have the proper migratory documents as well as can satisfy the legal and regulatory conditions and requirements in force to allow them to enter or leave Costa Rica. In all cases, the corresponding authorization must be obtained from the Costa Rican Immigration Police upon entry or exit.

Generally speaking you are one or the other, a Visitor or In Transit. Once you declare which one, the authorities will process you accordingly.

If you are going to be “In Transit”, that official may well ask to see your negative Covid test result for Nicaragua prior to allowing you entry to Costa Rica. (If you are a visitor, they will want to see a return or onward ticket for travel out of CR.)

Article 83 of the law grants all foreign persons “In Transit” a maximum period of twenty-four hours (24 hours) to complete the trip to their exit point.

Other Links:

Main Web Site Costa Rica Immigration

Entry and Exit Conditions through air, sea, river and land borders

Visa Requirements for Foreigners entering as tourists

Important Documentation related to Emergency Care for COVID-19