Nicaragua Tourism Statistics 2021 – Central Bank of Nicaragua

Nicaragua Tourism Statistics 2021 – Central Bank of Nicaragua

Nicaragua tourism statistics 2021
Cosigüina Volcano Natural Reserve. Photo by ROBERTO ZUNIGA:

The Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN by its acronym in Spanish) has published it’s “Nicaragua Tourism Satellite Account” (Cuenta Satélite de Turismo de Nicaragua) containing Nicaragua tourism statistics for 2021.

This report does include some statistics that paint the tourism picture; however, being from the central bank it’s geared more towards financial information.

It is a very different report to the annual Newsletter of Tourism Statistics (Boletín de Statistics Tourism Estadísticas) published by INTUR, the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (not yet available for 2021). Click here for a link to the most recent (2020) INTUR report.

Nicaragua Tourism Statistics 2021

Non-Resident Visitors to Nicaragua

In 2021, a total of 312,400 people were counted as entering Nicaragua as non-resident visitors. In physical numbers, that represents 137,000 less people than recorded in 2020, a decrease of 30.5% when compared with 2020 figures.

Annual Visitors Last Five (5) Years

2017 – 1,863,900

2018 – 1,329,900

2019 – 1,369,000

2020 – 449,400

2021 – 312,400

Fuente: INTUR

(Note: There were no cruise ships visiting Nicaragua in 2021.)

Out of the total visitors entering Nicaragua in 2021, 71.2% were considered tourists (80.9% in 2020) and therefore 28.8% were considered to be Excursionists.

The BCN classifies “Visitors” as any person who is considered from another country and who travels to Nicaragua for a duration of less than one year and is not here to carry out any paid activity.

“Tourists” are visitors who stay for at least one night and more than 24 hours, and;

“Excursionists” are visitors who stay for less than 24 hours.

How did they Enter Nicaragua?

70.6% of them entered by land.

29% chose to fly in, and;

0.4% arrived by boat.

Total Tourism Revenue

The 312,400 people that were counted as entering Nicaragua as non-resident visitors spent a combined US $183.8 million. That was US $14.7 million less than the US $198.5 that was recorded in 2020.

Spending and Length of Stay

The average stay by each of those visitors was 16.7 days which gives an average daily spending figure of US $35.80 per person.

Visitors from North America contributed 42.8% all inbound tourist spending. Central America was second with 36.0% and Europeans were 8.0%.

Consumption of goods and services was 61.1% of the total amount spent. Restaurants were 24.7% of that. Accommodations were 21.6%, transportation (all forms) was 13.2% and recreational services 1.6%.