Tourism Survey Nicaragua – Second Quarter 2022

Tourism Survey Nicaragua – Second Quarter 2022

Tourism Survey Granada, Nicaragua, Cathedral
Cathedral, Granada - Image by Praesentator from Pixabay

The National Institute of Development Information (Instituto Nacional de Información de Desarrollo or INIDE by its acronym in Spanish) is a decentralized body with the mission of providing information and statistics in a timely and accessible manner (such as this tourism survey”. Their goal is to support decision-making and facilitate the formulation and execution of policies and programs of a national interest.

They do this through national censuses and surveys and by analyzing and disseminating statistical data through periodic and timely publications. These are available to government departments as well as private businesses with interests in the development of Nicaragua.

The following is from their latest published face to face survey.

Note: As of the date of publication, the second quarter reports relating to numbers of visitors are not yet available

Tourism Survey Results – April, May & June 2022

Daily Spending and Duration of Stay

Inbound Tourists

Daily spending per person increased when compared to the first quarter of 2022 (Up 23.6%) and to the same quarter of last year (Up 29%). However, the average stay in the country was shorter by 17.7 % compared to Q1 and 30.5 percent compared to the Q2 of 2021.

Outbound Tourists

The surveys of Nicaraguans leaving to visit other countries indicate the daily per capita expenditure was US $34.1 and the average person stayed out of the country for a little under 20 days.

Spending and Length of Stay by Nationality

The highest daily spending was made by North Americans with a per person daily rate of US $63.30. This compares with US$ 42.30 in the same quarter of 2021. However, the average stay of a North American in Nicaragua was 15.5 days, which was 3.5 days less than the average stay in the Q2 of 2021.

South Americans were next with a daily spending of US$56.50 (compared to US$ 47.00 in 2021) and

An average stay of 11.8 days, compared to the 20.0 days in 2021).

Europeans spent US $42.60 (US$33.00 in Q2 of 2021) and stayed on average for 22.4 days, less than the 27.5 days in 2021.

Central Americans spent an average of US $28.10, up from the US$25.4 in 2021, but stayed only 9.0 days on average, down from the 15.6 days in Q2 2021).

Spending by Method of Arrival in Nicaragua

Air – Those arriving by air said they spent US $68.4 per day which was considerably more than the US $45.90 in Q2 2021 and they stayed an average 16 days.

Land – Those crossing by land spent US $32.50 per day, up from US $29.4 in Q2 2021 and stayed an average of 11.5 days

Water – Those arriving by water spent US $ 48.00 per day which is more than the US $36.90 in Q2 2021. There average stay was recorded as 1 day.

Source: Press Release: Tourism Indicators Second Quarter 2022

Full report and charts in Spanish RESULTS OF THE TOURISM SURVEY Second Quarter of 2022

See also; Nicaragua Tourism Statistics 2021 – Central Bank of Nicaragua