Christmas Lottery in Nicaragua – “The Play of Your Life”

Christmas Lottery in Nicaragua – “The Play of Your Life”


That is the slogan behind this year’s traditional Christmas Lottery 2022 with a Grand Prize of 45 Million Córdobas (about US $1.242 million).

The much anticipated “El Gordo” prize amount was announced by Ernesto Vallecillo, the General Manager of the Lotería Nacional in Managua. Vallecillo said that tickets go on sale starting today, Thursday, October 7th, 2022.

As with last years “Tinajón Navideño” or Christmas Jar theme, the price of the complete ticket (billete entero) is 3,000 Córdobas, which means that each share (one 20th) of the complete ticket costs 150 Córdobas and could in itself win 2.250 million Córdobas (over US $60,000).

The Christmas Lottery follows much the same format as the regular weekly National Lottery with the sale of numbered tickets.

The 5 digit numbered ticket (known as a “Billete Entero”or whole ticket) is made up of 20 shares or “sub-tickets” (all with the same 5 digit number). You can buy any number of shares from just one sub-ticket up to the whole ticket of all twenty. However, you must have all 20 tickets of that same number to win the main prize. If your 5 digit number comes up, you win that portion of the entire ticket that you purchased, anywhere from 1 to 20.

“The Play of Your Life” draw will take place on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

In addition to the main prize of 45 Million Córdobas, there will also be other big prizes as follows;

2 prizes of 1 million, 600 thousand Córdobas.

2 prizes of 800 thousand Córdobas

2 prizes of half a million Córdobas

1 prize of 250 thousand Córdobas

2 prizes of 100 thousand Córdobas

As well as numerous other prizes making a total of 57 million Córdobas in direct prizes.

Lotería Nacional Proceeds

In 2021, a total of 242 million Córdobas in profits from the National Lottery were distributed to various social and sports programs through the Ministry of the Family, Adolescents and Children (MIFAN) and the Nicaraguan Institute of Sports (IND).