Chinese Buses Arrive at Puerto Corinto, Nicaragua

Chinese Buses Arrive at Puerto Corinto, Nicaragua

Chinese Buses White Bus in Nicaragua

Another stage in Nicaragua’s modernization of its Collective Urban Transportation System was marked last weekend with the arrival of 250 of the 500 new Chinese buses.

The agreement to acquire 500 buses from The People’s Republic of China was signed in Managua, Nicaragua in June of this year between the Yutong Bus Company Ltd., the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) and the Transport Regulatory Institute of the Municipality of Managua (IRTRAMMA).

The new arrivals will be incorporated into the fleet of buses providing public transportation (Route Services) within Managua and also serving outlying communities such as Ciudad Sandino. Meanwhile the remaining 250 buses are expected to arrive in Corinto over the next two months.

These are the country’s first buses from China with whom Nicaragua announced the resumption of bilateral relations in late 2021 with the signing of a joint pact. At the same time, Nicaragua announced it was “cutting all diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

In the recent past, Nicaragua has received 550 GAZ Group buses from Russia (300 purchased and 250 donated) as well as 350 DINA buses from Mexico obtained in 2012.


The Chinese buses arrived on the cargo ship MORNING PROSPERITY at Puerto Corinto, Department of Chinandega on the Pacific Coast.  Morning Prosperity is operated by EUKOR (Europe/Korea), a shipping line specializing in RORO (Roll-on/Roll-off) sea carriage of new and used vehicles as well as tall and heavy cargo. Built in 2017, she has an overall length of 200 meters and a beam (width) of 35 meters.

Yutong Bus Company Ltd.

The Yutong models being rolled off the ship in Corinto looked very much like the Model ZK6100NGA9 “City Bus” or very similar. These buses come with a 39 seat configuration with the interior finished in a simple and durable style. Power is provided by a 6 cylinder Cummins EQB210-20 Diesel engine producing 210 Horse Power.

Chinese Buses
Foto: Yutong Bus Company Ltd.

The Yutong Bus Company has more than 40% of China’s bus market and more than 10% of the world market. They are headquartered in Zhengzhou in the Province of Henan.