Home Show Nicaragua – EXPO CASA 2021

Home Show Nicaragua – EXPO CASA 2021


The Chamber of Developers of Nicaragua, CADUR, is holding their first home show of four planned for this year. Called Home Expo 2021 it will be over two days, March 6th and 7th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Convention Center in Managua.

Organizers have announced that there will be representation from projects in the cities of Managua, León, Chinandega, Rivas, and San Juan del Sur.

The socio/political crisis took a toll on construction and sales in 2018/19. This was followed by the Covid-19 pandemic slowing the recovery for the greater part of 2020. However; the initial signs of business picking up again were seen in the latter part of last year and that has led to the industry holding the trade shows again this year.

Another positive sign is that private banks have once again opened up their housing loan divisions.

In a January 2021 interview, Félix Baltodano Solórzano (President of CADUR) confirmed that in 2020 their members sold more than a 1,000 homes nationally and hopes that this year they can increase that to between 3 thousand and 4 thousand homes at prices between US $18,000 and US $400,000

Baltodano added that a lot depends on the financing from The Central American Bank for Economic Integration or CABEI (Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica – BCIE). The total of 172 million dollars is for two programs; Poverty Reduction and Economic and Social Exclusion Program and the Central American Program for Housing and Sustainable Habitat Development. The monies are due to be released in June or July of this year

CADUR (Cámara de Urbanizadores de Nicaragua or CADUR by its acronym in Spanish) was formed in July of 1993. They are a not for profit association with members from the country’s main developers. They aim to be a voice for the industry as well as generate business, employment and improve the economy of Nicaragua while developing policies on the subject of housing.