Bringing Cameras to Nicaragua – New Customs Circular

Bringing Cameras to Nicaragua – New Customs Circular

bringing cameras to Nicaragua

The General Directorate of Customs Services has published a Technical Circular on their official web site under the memorandum heading “Binoculars and Photographic or Cinematic Cameras and equipment by those visiting Nicaragua” which regulates bringing cameras to Nicaragua.


The General Directorate of Customs Services of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua informs our People and the appreciable visitors to our Country, that with instructions from the Presidency of the Republic , it is confirmed: THERE IS NO RESTRICTION OF ANY KIND to the introduction to Nicaragua of Photographic and/or film equipment carried by the people who enter.

Dated Managua, January 27, 2023


What does this mean?

In brief, travelers bringing cameras to Nicaragua may only bring in (as part of their luggage) one photographic device and one zoom lens. Any additional equipment “will be subject to compliance with the applicable taxes and fees”.

Where can I find the information?

Technical Circulation 004-2023 – Dirección General de Servicios Aduaneros dated the 16th of January 2023)

Click on this link for the 16 page PDF document “Entry into the Country (Nicaragua) of Binoculars and Photographic or Cinematic Cameras under the Traveler Regime”.

In Spanish; CIRCULARES TÉCNICAS 004-2023 Ingreso al País de Binoculares y Cámaras Fotográficas o Cinematográficas Bajo el Régimen de Viajero

Customs Web Site

On the customs web site you can click on Centro de Documentation, then Circulares Tecnicas, and then enter 004 on the top line and the year (2023) on the line below.

Pages 3 to 16 of the circular are devoted to lists of movie cameras, still cameras, lenses and other equipment divided into what customs believe fall under Professional and Aficionado (Amateur, Enthusiast or Non-Professional) equipment.

The circular is clear on the prohibition of night vision binoculars stating that they are for the exclusive use of the Army. It also “restricts the entry into the country multiple types of photographic and video cameras as well as lenses, lights and accessories for recording images and sound”.

Customs has the right to withhold any items (including binoculars) which will be documented against the visitor for collection when they leave the country.

This circular comes on the heels of a law introduced in October 2022 which requires approval for any film production in Nicaragua. For this, the traveler must have prior approval from the government before they enter the country.

This approval will be presented to customs to justify the entry into Nicaragua of the equipment they will be using which will be registered against them and must leave with them when they leave.

See also; Customs – Nicaragua’s Self Declaration Form