Covid-19 Vaccination Effort to include Border Posts and Airports

Covid-19 Vaccination Effort to include Border Posts and Airports

Covid-19 Vaccination Nurse Holding Tray of Vaccines
Photo by FRANK MERIÑO from Pexels

The Government of Nicaragua aims to improve on the 78% Covid-19 vaccination rate for the population over 2 years old.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) is developing a vaccination strategy that will identify families pending vaccination so as to organize new schedules and doses that guarantee immunization coverage for this sector of the population.

MINSA have also announced that they will be setting up Covid-19 Vaccination Posts at border entry point and airports in order provide vaccinations to citizens of all ages who enter the country.

The Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo said; “This measure is part of MINSA’s new immunization strategy to protect citizens who have not yet been vaccinated”.

The Ministry of Health will coordinate with the National Police, Army, Migration, The Penitentiary System, IPSA (Agricultural Protection and Health Institute), Customs, INTUR (Tourism), EPN (The Port Authority) and border points to guarantee front line staff are vaccinated”.

Vaccine Promotion

Murillo also announced the promotion of vaccinations against Covid-19 in hospitals, health centers and health posts as. As well, people scheduled for surgical or diagnostic procedures will be asked for their vaccination card.

The Vice President added that “In addition, voluntary vaccination will be promoted in all MINSA programs such as Todos Con Voz (Everyone with a Voice), HIV, Chronic Diseases, Operation Miracle, Love for the Little Ones, Pregnant Women and others.

Lastly, other places where large numbers of the population gather, such as; public markets, labor centers, universities, technical institutes and local council offices.

Active Strategies

The house-to-house vaccination “Brigades” will continue to make their rounds for Pneumonia, Malaria and Leptospirosis vaccinations.

Mobile clinics will also be able to visit businesses (e.g. Free Trade Zones) and state institutions with a significant number of employees in order to provide workers with Covid-19 vaccinations.

Note: Statements by Rosario Murillo, Vice President of Nicaragua, were made in the Midday Edition of Multinoticias Canal 4 on the 27th of December, 2021