Covid-19 Vaccination Program Resumes in Nicaragua (Over 50)

Covid-19 Vaccination Program Resumes in Nicaragua (Over 50)

Vaccination Program Resumes in Nicaragua Person Getting Vaccinated
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Today, the 1st of July 2021, the Voluntary Covid-19 Vaccination Program resumes in Nicaragua with the first dose of either the Sputnik V from Russia of the Covishied from India which will be applied to the next age range. The third since this voluntary program began in April 2021.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) began this next round with the first dose of vaccines for the immunization of those Nicaraguans over 50 years of age.

It’s not easy finding timely information so we suggest those qualified foreigners (residents) interested in getting vaccinated check the MINSA Web Site regularly as the information is often posted on the same day as the vaccinations are being given.

Note: The press release below indicates a three day vaccination period at two locations in Managua.



First Dose of Sputnik-V to Health Workers, Border Posts and Over 50s from July 1 to July 3, 2021

Thursday, July 01

– SILAIS Managua: 1,000 doses

District II of Managua

Place: Antonio Lenin Fonseca Hospital

Time: 8:00 am

Vaccine Used: Sputnik-V

Municipality Managua, District I

Place: Elena del Carmen Lau Family and Community Center

Time: 8:00 am

Vaccine Used: Covishield

So far, this is the third age range that is being immunized against the pandemic. The program started with those over 60 years of age with chronic illnesses. Next were those 55 years and older, now the vaccination program resumes in Nicaragua with the group 50 and older.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) made it clear that the voluntary program to vaccinate citizens with their first dose was only temporarily suspended in June while they administered the second dose to all those who had received their first dose during the phase that started in April. Dr. Reyes announced that the application of the second dose of Covishield concluded in Managua this week.

Reyes highlighted the need for “adults and people with chronic diseases to complete their two doses and be protected against the disease”.

The MINSA head also recommended that those that have been vaccinated continue to follow safety measures that include the use of a mask, constant hand washing with soap and water, and social distancing.

MINSA staff has also said;

  • If it’s your first time dose, you need only bring your Cedula (Nicaraguans) or Residency Cedula (Foreigners with residency).
  • For the second dose, you will need your Cedula or Residency Cedula and your vaccination card that was given to you when you received the first dose.
  • However, once you have received your first injection, you will be in the MINSA computer system and they can find you, so don’t miss the second dose because you have lost your card.