Easter Week Dates for 2023

Easter Week Dates for 2023

Image by Pablo Baena from Pixabay

This year, 2023, the Easter Week dates are from Palm Sunday on April 2nd to Easter Sunday on April 9th.

Statutory Holidays

The two official statutory holidays are known as “feriados” and are Easter Thursday (“Jueves Santo”, also known as the Day of the Last Supper) and Easter Friday or Good Friday (Viernes Santo, the day of the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus).

In Managua, Sunday the 9th day of April 2023 is Domingo de Resurrección (Easter Sunday) and is celebrated as a local holiday, i.e. not a Statutory Holiday for the rest of the country.

Government Workers

It was announced today, March 27th 2023 that the official Easter vacation period for state workers is from the end of the working day this Friday, March 31st 2023 and they will be back at work on Tuesday, April 11th 2023.

Essential Services

Many government services continue through the holidays.

The department that gets the most inquiries from foreigners about hours of operation and services provided is the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration, a division of MIGOB, the Ministerio de Gobernación (Ministry of the Interior).


In particular, Juan Emilio Rivas, the Director of Migration and Aliens has publicly assured that his department will guarantee services to nationals and foreigners during the Easter week dates. They will be enforcing the Covid 19 rules regarding the complete vaccination scheme as well as checking for the yellow fever vaccine card from those who come from affected nations using the World Health Authority (WHO) guidelines.

The director also announced that immigration services will be guaranteed at the country’s 25 border posts and at the 28 immigration processing offices in all departments, known as SERTRAMIS – Servicios de Trámites Migratorios.

Office hours at the central office in Managua and all SERTRAMIS will be from 8am to 5pm in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. The two offices in Plaza de Las Américas and Metrocentro will provide services from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm and on Sundays from 10 am until 1pm.

The Border Posts of (Guasaule, Las Manos and El Espino) as well as the International Airport will be open 24 hours a day. To the south, Peñas Blancas will be open from 6am to 12 Midnight and San Pancho from 7am to 5pm in the afternoon.

It was also announced that migratory checkpoints will be carried out in conjunction with the National Police and visits will be made to various types of accommodations and lodgings for routine migratory checks.

Follow this link for previous Nica-Biz Easter articles.