Entry to Nicaragua – Online Application Form

Entry to Nicaragua – Online Application Form

Online Appointment Process

It seems like a day doesn’t go by on social media without a question about the requirement to complete the online Request for the Entry and Exit to Nicaragua. The simple answer to the question is “yes, it is a thing” and it’s becoming something travelers are coming across and talking about on various sites.


Online Application for Entry to Nicaragua – Clarification



This article will hopefully help those doing their due diligence on visiting Nicaragua as well as a guide for those using the online process found here: https://solicitudes.migob.gob.ni/

Many people, totally unaware of this procedure have entered Nicaragua without any problems. However, there have been reports of cross border bus companies denying boarding of passengers who either did not apply of who cannot show an approval/acknowledgement to their application.

Logically, the Pre-Check part of the procedure (see below in the Migración explanation) is not going to affect the average genuine visitor looking to enter on a Visa Exempt 90 day stay.

However, we live in changing times, especially when travelling and Nicaragua is using the Migración and Sovereign Security Laws to determine who enters the country.

If you are looking for information on how to complete the form now, scroll down to the sub heading How to Access the Entry and Exit to Nicaragua Fillable Form” below.

Brief History

Back in February of 2017, the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería – DGME), commonly referred to as simply “Migración” introduced a new procedure called the “Request for the Entry and Exit to Nicaragua of Visitors of Other Nationalities”.

At that time, migración announced that the main objective was to ensure an adequate service to visitors through a mechanism that will allow for a more efficient service.

The idea being (especially at the land borders) that they wouldn’t get surprised by bus loads of people descending on the borders when there was only a small crew working.

To Who and Where Does This Procedure Apply?

According to Migración; “This procedure applies to all nationalities entering or exiting Nicaragua through any border post by all modes of transport (Land, Air and Sea) and therefore includes airports, docks as well as any official entry or exit post.

Although most people seem to be talking about completing the form 7 days prior to your planned entry, the Migración web site recommends that you; “send the request in as far in advance as possible”.

Migracion explains the “Rationale” of the Procedure, Purpose and Advantages as follows;

“Law No. 761, General Law on Immigration and Aliens and its Regulations states that; the migratory policy of the State of Nicaragua will regulate the migratory flows in accordance with the Sovereign Security Law”.


“Granting or denying an entry visa, temporary or permanent residence is a Sovereign Act of the State of Nicaragua”.


  • Regulate migratory flows in a safe and agile way.
  • Guarantee security and tranquility to Nicaraguans and visitors of other nationalities.


  • Have the necessary personnel to provide flexible and safe migration assistance at border posts.
  • Prevent the entry of people linked to organized crime.

The newer Migración web site information on this procedure (under Finalidad and Ventajas or Purpose and Advantages) indicate an element of “pre-checking the applicant”, as well as ensuring the smooth flow of tourists. Hence some people to refer to this procedure as a “Pre-Check”.

How to Access the Entry and Exit to Nicaragua Fillable Form

  • Go to the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería Web Site 
  • You will see a Gif Image come up that has no useable links in it. Click the X in the top right corner and close it.
  • Scroll down and click on the thin, blue, full width banner with the words; Solicitud de Ingreso y Egreso organizado, ágil y seguro a Nicaragua de visitantes de otras Nacionalidades
  • You will find yourself at the link https://solicitudes.migob.gob.ni/ where you can choose to check on the status of a previously submitted application, or start a New Request.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions for completion.

NOTE: In the bottom right corner of the Migración web site there is a blue box marked “Enviar Mensaje” where you can access the ”Chat” option.

Older Word Document Process

Note: You will see that in the Omnibox address for this procedure, it still shows the original intent of the form, i.e. “motivos-diferentes-al-turismo”.

in full its; https://www.migob.gob.ni/migracion/tramites/solicitud-de-ingreso-ordenado-y-seguro-de-visitantes-invitados-por-motivos-diferentes-al-turismo/

In English “Application for orderly and safe entry of visitors invited for reasons other than tourism”.

This is where a lot of the confusion regarding this form is coming from.

From the Migracion web site, click on the header “Frontera” with the airplane graphic and then the second item: “Modelo de Información anticipada para el Ingreso y Egreso organizado, ágil y seguro a Nicaragua de visitantes de otras Nacionalidades”

Or use this link to go directly to that page.

On that page, they recommend to “send the request as far in advance as possible”.

You must download the Word Document, fill out the form and then send it to both of the following email addresses: preyes@migob.gob.ni and servicios@migob.gob.ni

As with the fillable form process, in the bottom right corner of the Migración web site there is a blue box marked “Enviar Mensaje” where you can access the ”Chat” option.

Previous Nica-Biz article: Immigration Rules for Entering Nicaragua