Fees and Fines for Migración Nicaragua

Fees and Fines for Migración Nicaragua

Fees and Fines for Migración Nicaragua US PAssport on Laptop with Tickets
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Changes to the fees and fines for services provided by Migración Nicaragua were made in August 2020. The aim of this article is to help with some of the common questions and provide a few links to resources that might be helpful.

Law Number 1033 – Law of Reform and Addition to Law No. 761 – General Law on Migration and Foreigners went into effect last year (2020) when it was published in La Gaceta #145, dated August 6th 2020, the official government publication. (The General Law on Migración was last updated in 2011)

Article 122 of the law states that fees and fines relating to immigration services for citizens of other nationalities have been set in the dollar currency of the United States of America. It also states that “they may be paid in Córdobas, the national currency of Nicaragua, at the official rate set by the Central Bank of Nicaragua on the date of payment”.

This link in blue text contains the Complete List of Migración Fees and Fines for All Categories.

The box under Article 122, Servicios de Extranjería or Immigration Services is the one that will be of the most interest to foreign visitors and Ex-Pats. Some highlights to the changes in Fees and Fines for Migración Nicaragua and the most asked about issues are;



Many procedures at Migración start with purchasing a formulario or form for US $3.00 and completing the information required.

Revalidation of Residency Cedula

A new category is the special US $2 formulario (form) needed for the “Revalidation” of your residency card (every 3 or 6 months) with any changes in address or other circumstances. (See previous article on Revalidation here) 

Residency Fee

The fee for what is known as a Permanent Residency (5 years renewable) is now US $500 for most of the typical Ex-Pat applications (first application or renewal). It does identify two sub categories; 1) Immigrant and 5) Foreigners with ties to Nicaraguans (spouse, parents and minor children) from article 30 of the law that will only pay US $250.

Most Ex Pats coming in as Pensionados or Rentistas (sub category 3), will be US $ 500.

Exit Fee (Visa)

The one time exit visa fee for those with a residency card is now US $ 10.00. The multiple exit visa is; US $ 20.00 for 3 months, US $ 40.00 for 6 months and US $ 80.00 for one year.

New Passport

When you get a new passport issued from your home country, the fee to have your residency details stamped into the back page is now US $10.


Tourist Card

You won’t see the Tourist Card from INTUR mentioned anywhere as it’s not a direct Migracion fee, they simply collect the money on behalf of the Instituto Nicaragüense de Turismo (NTUR). Its US $10 at the airport but US $12 at Peñas Blancas (Costa Rica Border). See also article on Entering Nicaragua.

EXTENSION OF STAY one to thirty days/Prórroga de Estancia de uno a treinta días)

This is now US $25 per 30 days or part of 30 days for most visitors who are here under the “Visa Exempt” category and normally receive a 90 day stay when they enter the country. At the time of writing, the 30 day Extension of Stay or Prórroga de Estancia can still be obtained at the Departmental Migracion offices, or you can leave the country and obtain another 90 days upon re-entry (but be subject to Covid 19 rules).


If you overstay, you will fall under the category “Non-regular stay in the national territory” as a non-resident (Permanencia no regular en el territorio nacional de no residente).

The fine is now US $3 per day for each day that you are over, plus the US $10 “Visa ordinaria de salida” an Ordinary Exit Visa for a non-resident with an expired stay. This is to process you back into a legal status after paying the overstay fine prior to leaving, or extending your stay (legally).

As usual, these articles are published for information only and are not intended to be legal advice.