General Elections in Nicaragua – Sunday November 7th, 2021

General Elections in Nicaragua – Sunday November 7th, 2021

Electoral Campaign

The next General Elections in Nicaragua will be held on Sunday November 7th, 2021. On that day, Nicaraguans will vote for; President and Vice President of the Republic, National and Departmental “Diputados” (equivalent to Members of Parliament) as well as Diputados to the Central American Parliament.

The Electoral Calendar for the General Elections in Nicaragua 2021 was approved on May 10th, 2021 and published in La Gaceta (No. 85/2021 dated May 11th, 2021).

Voter Verification

On Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of July, more than 2.8 Million Nicaraguans participated in the voter verification process, in person at over 3,100 voting centers around the country. On August 9th 2021, this information will be published in the Electoral Registers, posted at the Voting Centers.

The online verification process can still be made online until September 8th 2021 at the Consejo Supremo Electoral website; or the direct link under; Verificación en Línea

Candidate Registration

Today, Monday 2nd August 2021 is the last day of the official presentation and provisional registration of candidates as outlined above. This process began last week on Wednesday 28th of July 2021.

The next significant period is known as “The period of correction, resignations and substitution” and runs from the 3rd of August 2021 to the 9th of August 2021.

After that, on the 12th of August 2021, the provisional list of candidates will be published.

There follows a three day “Challenge Period” between the 13th and 15th of August 2021.

Any challenges raised during that period will be resolved on the 17th of August 2021.

On the 18th of August 2021, the Supreme Electoral Council (Consejo Supremo Electoral) will make the Final Publication of Candidates in La Gaceta, the official government record.

Campaign Period

The official Electoral Campaign will start on the 21st of August 2021 and conclude on November 3rd, 2021 in readiness for the elections on Sunday 7th of November 2021.

Central American Parliament

The General Elections in Nicaragua includes candidates for the Central American Parliament, known by its acronym as PARLACEN. It’s composed of the former presidents and vice presidents from each member state; Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama and Dominican Republic, as well as 20 directly elected representatives.