Holiday Long Weekend (14th and 15th of September)

Holiday Long Weekend (14th and 15th of September)

Holiday Long Weekend Nica Ceramica Statue
Image by William Bonilla from Pixabay

The official Independence Day Statutory Holidays for 2023 are on Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th of September which makes for a nice holiday long weekend.

September 14th is the celebration of the Battle of San Jacinto in 1856 and the September 15th commemorates the independence of Nicaragua (and Central America) from Spain in 1821.

Government Workers (State and Local Authority)

State workers will enjoy a “National Holiday Week” for the Independence Day celebrations Nicaraguan and are being encouraged to get out and visit the many tourist locations. The vacation days will be from the end of business on Friday 8th of September and staff will return to work on the morning of the 18th of September. Link to Official Memo here.

As usual, essential services will continue working; among them will be Immigration offices.

Private Sector

Workers in the Private Sector will be entitled to rest days with pay for the Thursday and Friday of the holiday long weekend as per Article 66 of the Labor Code of Nicaragua.

Under the same code, workers that are required to work on those days will receive double time for the time worked. This includes; “businesses affected by the agricultural cycle, different economic activities and the social and security of the country”. If the employee wishes, and by agreement with the employer, they may work at regular time and take another compensated day off in lieu.

IVA Tax Exemption

Following the last two successful Independence week IVA exemption campaigns, the Government of Nicaragua has once again announced a similar promotion from the 8th of September until the 18th of September for this year’s 2023 Independence Day Holidays. Started during the Bicentennial Independence celebrations of 2021, this order exempts registered tourism businesses in the food, beverage and lodging sectors from having to collect the 15% Value Added Tax (Goods and Service Tax) during those days.

FYI, Nicaragua has a total of ten (10) statutory holidays per year;

1st January, New Year’s Day

Thursday and Friday of Easter Week

May 1st, International Workers’ Day

May 30th, Mother’s Day

July 19th, Day of the Revolution

September 14th, Battle of San Jacinto

September 15th, Independence Day

December 8th, La Purísima and

December 25th, Christmas Day