Holidays and Fireworks, “Tis the Season” in Nicaragua

Holidays and Fireworks, “Tis the Season” in Nicaragua

Holidays and Fireworks Against Black Sky
Photo by Miguel Acosta:

Nicaragua has two statutory holidays in December; La Purísima and Christmas Day (día de Navidad) as well as New Year’s Day (Año Nuevo) on January 1st. In addition, state workers get a long break from work, this year it will be a total of 17 days in a row. It’s the month of Holidays and Fireworks.

La Purísima

Rosario Murillo, Vice President of Nicaragua, has confirmed that December 8th is a Statutory Holiday for all private and state workers. This is to celebrate “La Purísima”, the name given to the Virgin Mary and the festival (celebrated between November 28th and December 8th) that honors her.

La Purísima” is no exception with the “Gritería” being the highlight of the novena for the young and the young at heart.

More about La Purísima and La Gritería can be found in this Nica-Biz article; “La Gritería” in Nicaragua, a popular “Pura Nica” Celebration.

State Workers Vacation

In addition, the Vice President announced the dates of the Christmas Vacations for all state workers in none essential positions. They will finish work at the end of Thursday, December 22nd, 2022 and will not return until Monday, January 9th 2023.

As usual, there are exceptions for work that “may affect the economic, social and security activities of the country”.

Christmas Day and New Year’s Day Statutory Holidays

This year, both fall on a Sunday, the “Seventh Day” (el séptimo día – the usual day of rest). In this case we have to refer to Article 2 of the Regulations to Article 57 of the Labor Code relating to Statutory Holidays which inserts a third paragraph that says “When a holiday of those established by law coincides with the seventh day, the following rules will be observed: a) If the holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be compensated on the following day of business. If you have employees, check with your legal advisor on how this will work for you or your business.

The Ten Nica “Feriados” (Statutory, Public or Bank Holidays) National Holidays with Pay

1st January – New Year’s Day, Thursday and Friday of Easter Week, May 1st – International Workers’ Day, May 30th – Mother’s Day (New in 2022), July 19th – Day of the Revolution, September 14th – Battle of San Jacinto, September 15th – Independence Day, December 8th – La Purísima and 25th December – Christmas Day.


The Month of Holidays and Fireworks starts at the end of November with La Purísima, goes well into late December then rolls into Christmas and of course; the New Year.

Fireworks (colloquially called Pólvora and officially known as fuegos artificiales) are sold in designated zones established by the police and fire departments in each municipality. Vendors must follow the policies and procedures laid out in the Fireworks Safety and Security Plan of 2022 aimed at accident prevention.