Immigration Services in Nicaragua Easter Hours

Immigration Services in Nicaragua Easter Hours

Immigration Services in Nicaragua Easter Week Scene Nicaragua
Photo: Easter Week San Juan del Sur. Nica-Biz

Immigration Services in Nicaragua will be open throughout Easter Week (Semana Santa) providing services to Nicaraguan nationals and foreigners.

The Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners (DGMI by its acronym in Spanish), more commonly known as “Migración” has confirmed they will be open throughout the Holy Week (Semana Santa).

Click on this link for access to the Immigration Web Site

Lieutenant Hector Norori, national head of the SERTRAMIS said that “all 57 Service Centers for Immigration Procedures will be open to serve national and foreign travelers”.

In addition, usual coverage will be provided to border posts, ports, airports and the Central Migracion Office in Managua.

Click on this link for the Interactive Map of all SERTRAMIS.

The official also confirmed that Immigration Services in Nicaragua will be able to assist Nicaraguans wishing to apply for a passport for the first time, process the renewal of their passports as well as obtaining exit visas for Nicaraguan citizens who are minors under 18 years of age.

Foreign Tourists

Foreign tourists, who qualified for a 90 day stay, can apply for their 30 day extension of stay. Also, foreigners from countries needing a Category B “Visa Upon Arrival” or Border Visa can be processed upon entry at designated border posts and airports.

Nica-Biz Article; Fees and Fines for services provided by Migración Nicaragua

The Directorate of Migration and Immigration will be adding personnel to the offices at the national level to guarantee services to Nicaraguan families and foreigners to achieve an orderly flow through the different Border Posts. Click on this link for the Press Release

Migración Hours

The institution will maintain its regular hours of 8am to 5pm from Monday to Saturday.

The two shopping center SERTRAMIS at Metrocentro and Multicentro Las Américas will be open on Sundays from 10am to 1pm.

Note to Foreigners: In the past, these two locations in Managua have not been able to provide the extension of stay service to foreign tourists.

Border Hours – Semana Santa

Peñas Blancas – hours of operation are; from 6am to 12 midnight.

Augusto C. Sandino Airport in Managua – Open 24 hours a day.

El Guasaule, El Espino and Las Manos – Open 24 hours a day.

San Pancho (aka Las Tabillas/Los Chiles) – Open from 8am to 5pm

San Carlos – Open from 6am to 6pm.

Click on this link for an Interactive Map of Border Posts

Preventive measures (MINSA)

The Ministry of Health Covid-19 measures are rigorously implemented at all SERTRAMI offices in Nicaragua. All visitors to Migración facilities are asked to use a mask, sanitize their hands, and distance themselves from others in order to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus.