Migration and Foreigners – All in Day’s Work

Migration and Foreigners – All in Day’s Work

Migration and Foreigners German Passport Visa
Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

The General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería) is one of the units of an unusual mix that makes up the government department known as the Ministry of the Interior (Ministerio de Gobernación).

The other units are the General Directorate of the National Penitentiary System, the Unified Fire Department and a Registry of foreign NGO’s and Non Profit Organizations.

At this week’s joint press conference, Captain Yaoska Mejía from Migración y Extranjería reported that during the seven day period from October 23rd to the 29th inclusive, her department provided almost 54,000 individual services at various locations around the country.

Of these 53,779 services, a total of 39,747 were in relation to the entry and exit of Nicaraguans and foreigners through the many border posts with 19 of those services being Border Visas (Category B – Visa granted upon entry).

In addition, 4,579 immigration checks were carried out at various checkpoints in coordination with the police and the army.

The department dealt with 4,310 migrants who were detected entering the country irregularly.

In relation to Nicaraguans, 3,484 passports, 812 exit visas for minors and 216 certificates of migratory movements were processed and delivered.

Foreigners received 486 services which were applications and renewals for residency and other services.

A total of eight hotel certificates were issued and another 19 services included maritime departures and neighborhood permits (authorization of a temporary entry or exit to a person from the national territory of a neighboring country or living in the bordering area).

As well as their headquarters in Managua, the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners provides services at border posts, ports, airports and any of the departmental SERTRAMI offices (Immigration Procedures Service or Servicio de Trámites Migratorios). Regular hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at Migración Headquarters and SERTRAMI offices.

There are also two shopping center locations at Metrocentro and Multicentro las Américas; however, services for foreign visitors are limited at these locations. If you are in Managua, then Migración Headquarters is a better choice.