Nicaraguan Foreign Minister-Official Visit to Russian Federation

Nicaraguan Foreign Minister-Official Visit to Russian Federation

Press Release Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister - Russian Federation

Press Release from the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the official visit by Nicaraguan Foreign Minister; Denis Ronaldo Moncada to the Russian Federation between July 17th and July 21st, 2021

Published on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry Number 1450 of 16-07-2021

20th July 2021, UPDATE

July 16, 2021, 17:00hrs.

The Nicaraguan Foreign Minister; Denis Ronaldo Moncada is on an official visit to Russia between July 17th and July 21st, 2021

On July 19th, talks will be held with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, during which they plan to discuss a wide range of issues on the bilateral, international and regional agenda. Particular attention will be paid to the problems of combating the spread of the coronavirus infection. In May-June of this year, the first consignments of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine were delivered to Nicaragua.

It is significant that the upcoming visit will take place during the celebration of the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the Sandinista People’s Revolution (July 19th, 1979), which has become a symbol of the struggle for freedom, equality and social justice.

Further strengthening of the strategic partnership with Nicaragua is one of the priorities of Russia’s foreign policy in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. Political dialogue at the highest levels is successfully developing between our countries, close parliamentary coordination is being carried out, and the legal framework is expanding. The Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation is working productively, joint projects are being implemented in the field of health and space, and contacts are actively building up in the field of overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, in the field of training and advanced training of personnel.

Our joint work in the global arena is determined by the coincidence of positions on the main problems of the regional and international agenda, adherence to strict observance of the norms and principles of international law, above all, the Charter of the United Nations, and the central role of strengthening the UN and its Security Council.

Managua traditionally supports Russian priorities within the framework of the UN General Assembly, in particular, on combating the glorification of Nazism, on confidence-building measures and non-deployment of the first weapons in space, on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, on international information security and on combating cybercrime.

Russia and Nicaragua are unanimous on issues of inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, non-recognition of coups d’état as a method of changing power, countering illegitimate, unprincipled and discriminatory sanctions pressure, including the extraterritorial application of national legislation.

We categorically reject external interference in the internal political affairs of Nicaragua, including attempts to influence the electoral processes ahead of the upcoming General Elections on November 7th 2021. Russia stands in solidarity with the government and people of this country (Nicaragua) and strongly condemns any form of isolationism and pressure against a sovereign state and supports the right of the Nicaraguans to independently determine the fate of their country.

Press Release Russian Federation Foreign Affairs Office:

Russian Foreign Ministry 


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