Online Application for Entry to Nicaragua

The Ministry of the Interior of Nicaragua, MIGOB (akin to the State Department), has updated the front page of their web site. The “Procedure Information Portal” contains all necessary requirements to carry out various procedures with the institutions MIGOB manages, including the Online Application for Entry to Nicaragua

One of these departments is the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería – DGME) commonly referred to by foreigners as “Migración”.

On the page referred to above; Procedure Information Portal, you will see two boxes; “Entry Requirements for Visitors of other Nationalities by Land (Terrestre)” and “Entry Requirements for Visitors of other Nationalities by Air (Aerea).

The Application for orderly and secure entry, which must be submitted before entering Nicaragua (see item 1 on the list) is only being asked for from those entering by land.

This is the first time we have seen clarification that the online Request for the entry to Nicaragua or Solicitud de ingreso ordenada y segura, is only being asked for from those entering by land (terrestre).

Difference between Entering by Land versus Air


Those entering by air have already had their information sent to Migración by the airline, as required by INAC; The Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics.

This would ensure that the Nicaragua’s Sovereign Security Law can be applied to anyone on the passenger list thereby “Providing security and tranquility to Nicaraguans and visitors of other nationalities” as well as “Denying entry to people linked to organized crime”.

The second part of the Request for Entry to Nicaragua requirement deals with ensuring that migratory flows can be handled in a safe and expeditious manner.

By the same token, the INAC passenger manifests provide the details of how many passengers will be arriving at any one time on any flight.


On the other hand, no such pre-entry information is available for those crossing on foot or by vehicle, other than the online “Request for the Entry to Nicaragua” application being discussed.

Anyone travelling at Christmas or Easter knows how busy the border posts can get. Therefore, there is a need to be able to provide front offices with the necessary information to be able to provide sufficient personnel in order to ensure that migratory flows can be handled in a safe and expeditious manner. In addition, to be able to apply the same level of sovereign security in “pre-checking applicants”.

The request can be made directly by clicking on this link; Entry by Land

See also the previous Nica-Biz article: Immigration Rules for Entering Nicaragua

Note: You will see “Solvency” as an item on both lists. It’s unlikely that you will be asked. However, it has been included in this updated list and is from Article 46 of Ley 761, LEY GENERAL DE MIGRACIÓN Y EXTRANJERÍA. If requested, you may have to prove you have sufficient funds for your time in Nicaragua. The amount you would need to show (from the above law) for the typical 90 day stay is based on three months of the current minimum wage for the industrial sector in Nicaragua. That amount today would be about US$530.