Saturday, January 11, 2025
Blog Page 14
Concluding our reporting on Remittances Received in Nicaragua (Remesas) for 2021, the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) has now reported that Nicaragua did indeed surpass the US $2billion mark, as was expected. In a Press Release dated 26th January 2022,...
Walmart in Nicaragua faces uncertainty with the announcement that as part of its “ongoing strategy to focus on its core businesses and geographies”, Walmart de México y Centroamérica could sell off stores in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Walmart de...
It was good to see the Pacífica Aventuras post on face book this week about scuba diving in Nicaragua, in particular about the statue at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in front of Playa Hermosa in the Municipality...
Recently on social media, stories surfaced in relation to tourists intending to “transit” through Costa Rica to Nicaragua but being refused entry by Costa Rica Immigration. This was for various reasons, such as; no PCR-RT test (required by Nicaragua,...
For children enrolled in the public system, it’s back to school in Nicaragua with the start of the new school year tomorrow, Monday 24th January 2022. Drive Safely. Watch Out for School Children. Last Friday, the Inspector General of the National...
The first meeting of the Minimum Wage Commission 2022 took place this week and on the agenda was a review of financial information from the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) and other information from the Ministry of Labor (MITRAB). The...
This week, UNWTO, the United Nations World Tourism Organization published a report on World Tourism in 2021. The report states that worldwide; “International tourist arrivals were still 72% down compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019”. The year 2020 being...
It seems like a day doesn’t go by on social media without a question about the requirement to complete the online Request for the Entry and Exit to Nicaragua. The simple answer to the question is “yes, it is...
Press Release: Nicaragua becomes the fourth country in Central America where the MINISO franchise store offers a range of products for the home, health, beauty, fashion, toys and sports (among others). With an international presence, MINISO engaged the law firm...
Pedro Joaquín Chamorro (September 23, 1924 - January 10, 1978) was a Journalist and Editor of La Prensa, which at the time of his death in 1978 was the only independent national news source, other than that circulated by...