Sunday, January 12, 2025
Blog Page 20
MINSA (Ministry of Health) will not give a second dose of COVID Vaccine here to those who received the first dose abroad (of a two dose vaccination). Both Doses of the Vaccine must be administered in Nicaragua. Martha Reyes, the...
Why is Costa Rica checking Covid results when leaving Costa Rica to Nicaragua? Costa Rica does not want to “stamp you out” and send you up to the Nicaraguan border entry point (several hundred meters up the road) if you...
Good news about electricity in Nicaragua and the Pacific coast liquid natural gas (LNG) power plant being built by New Fortress Energy. The construction of the power plant is now “above 85% complete and could start producing energy as early...
I was recently asked about the new income requirements under Nicaraguan residency for Pensionado and Rentista categories and whether or not residency renewals were “Grandfathered in” under the old amount. The brief answer is that since February 28th 2019, all...
One of my favorite web sites; has done it again with another jam packed, name dropping article on Nicaragua, this time with a spin around the country on a “Nature Trek”. You might remember back in May of this...
Channel 6 TV in Nicaragua have announced that this years Extreme 4x4 Rally is a go for November and advises all 4x4 clubs and enthusiasts to get their rigs ready and registered. The event was originally scheduled for October 01,...
The much anticipated return of the Granada to San Carlos Ferry (with a stop at Ometepe Island) is set for October. ATTENTION: Grand Opening of the Granada-Altagracia-San Carlos commercial and tourist route. "EPN invites all families to join us at 3pm...
While Nicaragua waits for the 800,000 doses of the new Sputnik Light, the country of Spain donated vaccines to the Nicaraguan Covid program. Almost half a million doses were delivered yesterday by Spain through the COVAX Initiative. In the early hours...
Questions regarding the Costa Rica Health Pass continue to be asked on social media and this is just a refresher to go with the two previous articles pertaining to this subject (see foot of this article). The Health Pass is...
Some of the country's first Covid-19 related restrictions on public gatherings will be put in place for this year’s Electoral Campaign prior to the General Elections in Nicaragua. On Monday the 20th of September 2021, it was announced that “massive...