Monday, March 3, 2025
Blog Page 34
This article is in response to questions and concerns regarding residency card revalidation under the new Migración y Extranjería requirement limiting the validity of a Cédula de Residencia ID Card to a three (3) month or six (6) month...
Cellular service giant Tigo has formed an alliance with Walmart Centroamérica (headquartered in Costa Rica) to provide digital connection services to 830 sites, including stores, warehouses and offices in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Tigo,...
Tuesday 9th March 2021 - For the second time this year, the San Cristóbal Volcano (the most active volcano in Nicaragua) erupted leaving ash and debris over much of the northwest part of the City of Chinandega. As the...
Many people ask questions on social media relating to the immigration rules for entering Nicaragua. The good news is that it’s really simple for most countries as the majority of foreign citizens don’t need a visa and simply have their...
The voluntary Covid-19 vaccination program started on Wednesday the 3rd of March with the Sputnik V vaccinations from Russia. The Ministry of Health (MINSA) is responsible for administering Nicaragua's Vaccination Program. They are starting at the sixteen hospitals in various...
The price of eggs, one of the items on Nicaragua’s Canasta Basica (basic basket) reached 8 Córdobas (23 cents US) each in Managua last week. Pulpería’s (corner stores) were complaining that a “flat” of 30 eggs, known as a cajilla,...
On Monday the 1st of March 2021, the Municipal Council of Masaya unanimously voted for the construction of the new baseball stadium for Masaya, the "Estadio de Béisbol Roberto Clemente". It was a legal step in the building of...
Passing through customs when entering Nicaragua can be anything from very simple to very complicated depending on; the type and amount of goods the traveler is bringing in, their understanding of the process and the discretion used by the...
A new manufacturing center was opened last week in the tax free zone of Portezuelo Industrial Park, Km. 5.5 Carretera Norte in Managua. Texnica SA and partner Bella Canvas will use the Zona Franca production facility to manufacture clothing...
It took until the last of seven scheduled weekly meetings for the tri-party Minimum Wage Commission to come to a consensus, however; today an agreement was reached and a minimum wage increase approved by MITRAB. The estimated 200,000 workers in...