Vaccination Card only as Nicaragua Eliminates PCR Test

Vaccination Card only as Nicaragua Eliminates PCR Test

Vaccination Card Girl With Backpack Walking Through Airport
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi:

Those who are “Properly Vaccinated” can now enter Nicaragua with their Vaccination Card showing a “Complete Vaccination Scheme” (see what that means below) and without the need for a PCR test, says MINSA (Ministry of Health of Nicaragua).

Children or adults that are un-vaccinated will have to provide a negative PCR test under the old system (tested no more than 72 hours prior to entry).


The decision (which brings Nicaragua in line with other Central American nations) was announced on Thursday 16th of June 2022 by Martha Verónica Reyes Álvarez (Minister of Health) who introduced her Ministerial Resolution No. 309-2022 which took immediate effect.

This regulation applies to the entry of all people (nationals or other nationalities) through any of the border posts, land, water or airports (including passengers and crews).

What is an Acceptable “Complete Vaccination Scheme” as per the Resolution?

  • What MINSA or Migracion staff will be looking for is official proof of either a one shot or two shot vaccination.
  • Vaccinations must have been authorized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and registered for use in Nicaragua. Those are;
  • Sputnik V, Sputnik Light (single dose), Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica, Covishield, Soberna 02, Abdala, Janssen (also known as Johnson & Johnson and is a single dose), Sinopharm and Coviran.
  • Vaccination cards of the two shot types can show a combination or two different brand names. This is acceptable to Nicaragua.
  • Proof of vaccination can be in physical or digital format.
  • However, here’s a TIP; the Nicaraguan system is an actual folded passport size card, with hand written entries of dates and vaccination types and a MINSA seal. Therefore MINSA and Migracion staff here in Nicaragua will be more accustomed to seeing an actual card not a digital version.


Captain Carlos Salazar, Director General of the Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics (or INAC, its acronym in Spanish) also announced their “Resolución 018-2022” which mirrored the MINSA instruction.

Salazar made it clear that the elimination of the PCR testing in order to enter the country went into effect immediately and that it applies to; “all travelers, passengers and crews who come to our country”.

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