Vapors – Customs in Nicaragua will seize E Cigarettes

Vapors – Customs in Nicaragua will seize E Cigarettes

Vapors Female Using E Cigarette
Photo by Dede Avez:

Nicaragua Customs (Aduanas in Spanish), through its Technical Circular CT/116/2022 has announced that it will seize electronic devices, as well as any related devices and products with or without nicotine, from any vapors visiting Nicaragua.

The circular, dated September 6th 2022 is signed by Eddy Medrano Soto, the Director General of Customs in Nicaragua and has the backing of health regulations contained in Law No. 727 “The Tobacco Control Law” (from 2010 and the regulations approved in 2011), as well as from resolutions from the Ministry of Health known as (MINSA).

MINSA Resolution 334-2021 of June 2021

It would appear that the government has finally implemented this resolution which, among other things, “prohibits the commercialization and use of electronic nicotine administration systems. i.e.; electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and other similar devices with or without nicotine”.

You can find the Technical Circular CT/ 116/2022 on the customs web site; or the link containing all circulars and entering 116 in the first box or simply click on the graphic below.

Vapors Entering Nicaragua

The circular states that; “travelers found with electronic products that administer nicotine, such as; electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and the like (with or without nicotine) will have those products retained by customs upon entry”.

All seized products will be itemized on a “Retention Certificate” and sent to the National Authority for Sanitary Regulation (ANRS) at MINSA.

See also a previous Nica-Biz article on; Customs – Nicaragua’s Self Declaration Form

Vaping Businesses in Nicaragua

The circular also discusses tobacco companies and their compliance with all regulations regarding tobacco products and their derivatives. It identifies two forms of business;

The ANRS regulates “Zona Francas” (tax free zones) that typically import materials into Nicaragua where they assemble products here, then export the finished products out of Nicaragua.

In addition, the ANRS is responsible for the licensing and permitting of businesses that manufacture, import and export tobacco products and their derivatives. These businesses must also comply with the Tobacco Control Law and its regulations. Other businesses involved in the import and export of tobacco products “and their accessories” must comply with the rules from ANRS and cannot be cleared by Nicaragua Customs without those businesses being properly registered with the ANRS.