Official Labor Day Holiday is Monday May 2nd 2022 – MITRAB

Official Labor Day Holiday is Monday May 2nd 2022 – MITRAB

Official Labor Day Holiday Concrete Work
Photo by Rodolfo Quirós.

The official Labor Day Holiday (Día Internacional de los Trabajadores) in Nicaragua falls on Sunday, May 1st, 2022.

When an official holiday falls on a Sunday (the 7th day or mandatory rest day), it will not be compensable on that day.

However it must be compensated on the following day, in this case; Monday, May 2nd, 2022 (making Labor Day a Long Weekend in Nicaragua).

The announcement was made by the Rosario Murillo, the Vice President of Nicaragua in one of her daily media segments when she confirmed that Monday the 2nd of May 2022 had been designated as the statutory holiday (feriado) for the purposes of complying with the Nicaragua Labor Code. See this link for the official memo from the Minister of Labor.

Workers will receive the mandatory compulsory rest day with pay on Monday the 2nd of May 2022, as per the Labor Code.

Essential Services/Working on a Stat.

Workers performing essential services (due to the nature of their work, or services provided, can’t be interrupted) and therefore working on the holiday at the request of the employer, must be paid an additional 100% of the usual day’s pay on the official Labor Day holiday (2nd May 2022).

Nicaragua has nine official statutory holidays per year. They are;

1st January – New Year’s Day,

Thursday and Friday of Easter Week,

May 1st – International Workers’ Day,

July 19th – Day of the Revolution,

September 14th – Battle of San Jacinto,

September 15th – Independence Day,

December 8th – La Purísima, and

25th December – Christmas Day.


A feriado is the same as a statutory holiday, pubic holiday or bank holiday. A day prescribed by law, custom or tradition where work and schools are suspended so as to give workers the opportunity to celebrate or commemorate the particular day of significance.

International Worker’s Day (also known as May Day)

This is the Labor Day that Nicaragua celebrates with over 80 other countries supporting and celebrating the successes of the labor movement.

Labor Day (International Worker’s Day or May Day) celebrates the demands for the rights of workers and in particular pays tribute to the “Martyrs of Chicago” who lost their lives after protests that were initiated on May 1st, 1886. The protest was for a basic 8 hour working day.