Labor Day Long Weekend in Nicaragua (May 1st)

Labor Day Long Weekend in Nicaragua (May 1st)

Labor Day Black and White Embossed Sculpture
Photo by Mike from Pexels

This year, the annual May 1st Labor Day Holiday (Día Internacional de los Trabajadores) falls on a Saturday and is a Statutory Holiday (Feriado in Spanish) under the Labor Code of Nicaragua.

Click here to see the Official Communication from Alba Luz Torres Briones, Minister of Labor (MITRAB), dated 20th of April 2021.

Saturday 1st of May will be a day off with pay. However, in the event that the Ministry of Labor has exempted the business from this provision (because the type of work and/or the business is of a nature that does not permit an interruption of this sort), then this day, if worked, will be paid at double pay.

Monday the 3rd of May 2021 will also be a paid holiday for state workers only.

On Friday April 30th the government will mark the ninth anniversary of the death of Commander Tomás Borge, one of the leaders of the 1979 revolution. Also, on May 4th, they will celebrate National Dignity Day.

Nicaragua observes the International Worker’s Day (also known as May Day), a public holiday in over 80 countries that supports and celebrates the successes of the labor movement.

Labor Day in May is a celebration of the demands for the rights of workers and pays tribute to the “Martyrs of Chicago” who died after protests that were initiated on May 1st, 1886. They were fighting for a basic working day of eight hours under their slogan “eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep and eight hours for the house”.

Even though the USA has such strong ties to origin of Labor Day being on the 1st of May, they celebrate the day on the first Monday of September.

Note: The nine annual Statutory Holidays in Nicaragua are; 1st January, Thursday and Friday of Easter Week, 1st May, 19th of July, 14th y 15th September, 8th and 25th of December.