Electoral Calendar 2021 – Important Changes

Electoral Calendar 2021 – Important Changes

Electoral Campaign

The biggest change to the Electoral Calendar is that the election campaign period (originally scheduled for a 21st of August start) has been shortened and will now start on the 25th of September.

Magistrate Alma Nubia Baltodano from the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) made the announcement on August 11th by way of an official certification. She stated that changes have been made to the electoral calendar due to preventative measures in relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Baltodano said that after conversations with the Ministry of Health (MINSA) it was decided that it was necessary to take measures to change some of the dates on the electoral calendar. She added that the changes were agreed with the various political organizations registered in the electoral process.

Other changes relate to items 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on the original Electoral Calendar which deal with the period of correction, resignations and substitution, the publication of the provisional list of candidates, the challenge period and the resolution of any challenges raised and concludes with the Supreme Electoral Council (Consejo Supremo Electoral) making the final publication of candidates in La Gaceta.

The correction, resignation and substitutions of candidates will now run until August 26th.

The provisional publication of candidates and candidates is put off until September 1st and the challenge period is now from the 2nd to the 4th of September.

As well, the resolution of the challenges will now be concluded by September 7th with the official start of the electoral campaign being as stated; September 25th.

Voter Verification

Boltodano reminded the voting population that they have until September 8th to verify themselves. Address changes can be made at the municipal offices of the CSE in order that the electoral roll can be updated.

The online verification process can still be made online until September 8th 2021 at the Consejo Supremo Electoral website; www.cse.gob.ni or the direct link under; Verificación en Línea

The final electoral role will be made after September 8th when the verification process closes.

This post therefore amends the previous post on the subject at https://nica-biz.com/2021/08/02/general-elections-in-nicaragua-sunday-november-7th-2021/