Immigration Rolls Out Online Appointment Process

Immigration Rolls Out Online Appointment Process

Online Appointment Process

Two announcements by way of Press Releases this month regarding the Online Appointment Process implemented by Migración at the end of last year.

On the 7th of November 2024, the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration (DGME) reported that the online appointment system is currently being implemented at the Departmental Immigration Procedures Services Offices (known as SERTRAMI’s). These offices can now deal with Nicaraguan citizens who made appointments online for the application of Passports, Exit Visas for Minors and Certificates of Migratory Movements (record of entry and exit).

Commander Aura Téllez (Head of the Immigration Directorate) announced that; “At the national level, our 29 offices (SERTRAMI’s) can attend to the request for these services made using the electronic appointment system. This is without prejudice to the occurrence of special cases where citizens are presented with an emergency. These applicants will be evaluated on a case by case basis”.

A second press release on the 15th of November 2024 also announces how to carry out certain immigration procedures through the online appointment platform; “an initiative that aims to simplify and streamline the management of applications for various immigration procedures, while guaranteeing a safe and orderly process”.

Currently citizens can access the system from their mobile devices, tablets or computers and then schedule a personal appointment. In addition to the central office in Managua, this process has been implemented at the departmental Immigration Procedures Services Offices (SERTRAMIS) at the national level.

According to Lieutenant Jefferson Silva Espino (Head of the National SERTRAMI Office); “We are working on the online appointment system nationwide. It is a process of adaptation, a new process that is being offered to the population with the aim that the procedures are carried out in a quick, safe and orderly manner”. Silva Espino noted that the service of online appointments is being provided through all of the 29 SERTRAMIS nationwide”.

It should be noted that the online appointment service is completely free and that the step-by-step instructions can be found HERE 

The online form will ask for information such as: names and surnames, date of birth, type and number of ID, cell phone number as well as ask you which services you will require at your appointment.

These offices can now deal with Nicaraguan citizens who made appointments online for the application of Passports, Exit Visas for Minors and Certificates of Migratory Movements (record of entry and exit).

As of 21st November 2023, the online application form only gives three options for Nicaraguan citizens to select for the type of documents or process you are looking for; Passports, Exit Visas for Minors and Certificates of Migratory Movements.

An El 19 article dated Tuesday, November 7th 2023 states; “Electronic appointments are for Nicaraguan citizens, so citizens of other nationalities do not need to make an online appointment and can appear directly to make their arrangements”.

The new online appointment system was introduced at the end of last year, 2022. At that time Nica-Biz published an article relating to the new system which was then only available for appointments at the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration (DGME) Headquarters (in Managua). However it was anticipated that it would soon be rolled out “at the national level so that citizens can make their appointment at the SERTRAMI that suits them best, according to their address”.