Online Appointment Registration – Immigration Nicaragua

Online Appointment Registration – Immigration Nicaragua

Online Appointment Registration People Waiting at Immigration Managua

The General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners in Managua will be introducing an online appointment registration system for all of its locations aimed at providing a better service and reducing waiting time.

The appointment registration service is currently only available for those living in the Managua area and looking for services at the Central Headquarters. However; the DGME does intend to “roll out” the system nationwide after the pilot project is successfully implemented in Managua.

According to the press release, the online registration allows the user to obtain an actual date of their appointment when they will be required to attend at the DGME Headquarters to request their “passport, certificate of migratory movement and exit visa for minors”.

Although these services appear to be confined right now to Nicaraguan Nationals, the four part appointment system does look as though it has been designed to be used by foreigners. For example; those foreigners living in Managua that have dual national children could use the system now to make an appointment for an exit visa for a minor. See More Below under Appointment Registration System.

“Currently this service has only been enabled for appointments at the DGME Headquarters (in Managua). It will soon be enabled at the national level so that citizens can make their appointment at the SERTRAMI that suits them best, according to their address. With this new service, citizens will no longer have to wait so long to be attended to,” explained Commander Aura Carolina Téllez, Head of the Immigration Directorate.

“Actualmente este servicio está habilitado para citas en la Sede Central de la DGME, próximamente será habilitado a nivel nacional, para que, los ciudadanos puedan hacer la cita en la SERTRAMI que más le convenga, de acuerdo a su domicilio. Con este nuevo servicio ya los ciudadanos no deben esperar tanto tiempo para ser atendidos”, explicó la Comandante Aura Carolina Téllez, Jefa de la Dirección de Migración.

Appointment Registration System

When the system has been rolled out nationally, you will be required to choose the departmental office or SERTRAMI (Servicio de Trámites Migratorios) where you live.

The link to the online appointment registration system offers the user a choice of three identification methods; Nicaraguan Cédula, Passport or Residency Card (Cédula de Residencia).

The options for “Services” that the user is looking for includes; Passports, Nationality, Residency and Visas. 

The user will enter their personal information; name, date of birth, type and number of the ID being used, cell phone number and carrier, Email etc.

They will then choose the procedure they require and choose a date from the selection of available dates on the screen.

A confirmation code will be sent to the Email given by the user and they must enter this on the application before the final step of confirmation of appointment is issued.

When successful, the user will receive an Email confirming their appointment which they must present at the Immigration office when they attend for their appointment.