State Workers in Nicaragua will get a 10 day Easter Vacation

State Workers in Nicaragua will get a 10 day Easter Vacation

State Workers in Nicaragua Beach Scene Semana Santa San Juan del Sur
Foto; Nica-Biz, Semana Santa in San Juan del Sur - April 2018

State workers in Nicaragua will be on Easter Vacation from the close of business on Friday the 8th of April 2022 and will return to work on Tuesday the 19th of April 2022.

This gives all non-essential municipal and central government workers a 10 day vacation for the Easter or Holy Week (Semana Santa) period.

The official announcement was made by the Vice President Rosario Murillo during her daily address on the government media channels, during which she said;

In compliance with the provisions of Article 76, Paragraph 2 the Nicaraguan Labor Code, public service (state) workers will enjoy paid rest and family union for the Easter period of 2022, going on vacation after the close of business on the Friday of Sorrows (Viernes de Dolores) and returning on

Tuesday, April 19th 2022.

For her part, Dr. Alba Luz Torres Briones, the Minister of Labor for Nicaragua confirmed that state workers will enjoy the 10 day vacation and also made it clear that Thursday the 14th of April 2022 and Friday the 15th of April 2022 will not be counted as vacation time for the state workers as they are both national holidays for all workers with the right to rest and salary.

The minister added; “Private Sector Workers need to conform to the labor code for those two days (Holy Thursday and Good Friday – 14th and 15th of April) as well as following what has been customary for them or what has been agreed between the parties regarding mandatory rest with the right to salary.”

Employees performing the type of work that by its nature cannot be interruption must be paid in accordance with Article 69 of the Labor Code. 

Full Ministry of Labor Communication regarding Easter Week (Semana Santa) dated 31st March 2022.

No word yet from departments such as Immigration (Migración) in relation to the exact detail of any special hours, however the work of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (Migración) is deemed to be an essential service and offices will be open. This includes Migración offices, border posts, Central Migración in Managua and about 30 different departmental “SERTRAMI” (Servicios de Trámites Migratorios) offices.